Solutions - SaaS

“Is our technology selection providing the best service level for the lowest cost? Are we structured organizationally to grow? How do we scale up services without a concurrent increase in cost?” 

Online services can be extraordinarily expensive and complex. Reliably servicing millions of transactions, along with expected availability of nearly 24x7x365, requires significant investment. The right types and mix of infrastructure, middleware and applications can significantly reduce these costs while maintaining service levels. Even more importantly, the right organizational structure, staff and incentives are crucial to successful deployment, management and growth.

ATOMIC is expert at analyzing online services. We will analyze your business service level requirements, as well as your existing technology investments, staff skills and organization and incentives, and recommend the best mix of them for your business. We will provide you with short, medium and long-term investments and returns in each of these areas, directly tying together people, process and technology with business strategy and financial considerations.

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