Solutions - Venture Investment

“How good is the leadership? What about the rest of the team? What are the market and competition doing? Are the reported financials real? Is their product or service real, can they really deliver?” 

Investing in growth ventures of any kind is a risky business. One professional investor explained their portfolio that for every ten companies, there is one superstar, two moderate successes, and seven dogs. One, just one, improved outcome can change the entire return on your fund.

Atomic understands both startups, pre-funding through Series A, B and to exit, and finance, from angels and venture capital through larger private equity up to tier 1 firms. We will analyze the state of the venture, the quality and culture of its people, their skillset and focus and ability to recruit the right players. We will get deep into their product or service, and determine if the solution is real and deliverable, or just vaporware. We will place it in the context of its market and competitors. We will help you determine the real value of the venture before you sign the papers.

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